Sunday, April 26, 2009

play practice now takes up most of my life at the mo.

if any of you guys are in the RAMS play, "wind of a thousand tales" you probably are thinking the exact same thing as i am right now. WHEN WILL IT BE OVER?? i love the acting, i really do, but this is just getting horribly long. and i have the most hot costume! hot- as in overly warm, not like pretty, gorgeous, etc. im a goose, so i wear all white, with a big goose head on my head. so i suggest you all come to see me make a fool of myself! but as always, the play will turn out wonderfully amazing and everybody will be overwhelmed by the amazing power of teenage actors and actresses. so you all should totally come and see us on friday, saturday and sunday!!!! <3

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Yay! i have a new blog now!!!

Hey yall, you probably know by now that this is Greta's blog. I obviously am not going to tell you my last name for 2 reasons.
1) You may be an internet stalker and that would just be stupid of me to say that.
2) If you aren't an internet stalker, you probably already know what my last name is and that would just be pointless for me to re-state the obvioius.
But, back to the exciting part of my blog. This blog is about me, and maybe random posts about other people. But, if you are wondering about Greta ******* (Not gonna say my last name-) this is the place to be! So lets get started...